Sunday, May 17, 2020

The snow fell, long and hard. Katara pushed her horse...

The snow fell, long and hard. Katara pushed her horse against the stinging wind and biting flakes in a fierce attempt to get home. The moon shone through clouds in pieces at a time. It was almost midnight before she reached the tiny village furthest from the ice palace she called home. She felt she and the horse couldnt continue much further, so they struggled the last hundred yards to the inn. Katara threw the door open forcefully, slamming the knob into the wall behind it. Katara heard a clattering and saw an Aer Kingdom slave boy collapsing to his knees before her. He was the only soul awake in the inn, cleaning the countertop. â€Å"Dont just sit there and kneel,† she hissed. Her usually kind demeanor had changed drastically due to†¦show more content†¦The boy took her wet clothes and set them aside to be washed and dried. As soon as the bath was ready, Katara removed her undergarments—after making sure the boy had gone—and settled into the washtub. She removed the beads from her hair and scrubbed every extremity until it had warmed. She accepted some of the innkeepers wifes clothing in which to sleep that night and put them on. Katara enjoyed her steaming tentacle soup and retired to the room she had been offered. Her head had hardly touched the pillow before she had fallen asleep, purely exhausted. --- Katara woke to find the snow had ceased. It was already midday. She rose from her bed, stretched, and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She changed into her clothes, which had been washed and dried overnight, and ambled downstairs. The inns dining room was bustling with occupants eating lunch. Almost as soon as she sank into a chair, a bowl of porridge was placed in front of her. â€Å"Oh,† she said, stopping the boy, â€Å"Im sorry for the way I treated you last night. I was so exhausted; I was out of my wits.† The Aer boy nodded with a small smile. He turned around to deliver another plate to another customer. The innkeepers wife hurried to her to give her a mug of hot coffee. â€Å"Your Aer slave. Is he a mute?† Katara asked after thanking the woman for the coffee. â€Å"As far as we know. Hes never spoken a word as long as hesShow MoreRelatedOzymandias : The King Of All Kings1735 Words   |  7 PagesThere was once a Pharaoh by the name of Ozymandias. He claimed himself to be the King of all Kings, the greatest ruler that ever lived. He thought his actions and his accomplishments should be immortalized with a statue, so his civilians made him one. Was this statue made out of respect or was it ironically made based off the opinion of his civilians? The poem Ozymandias has some deep meanings too it in which one has to interpret and really think about the true meaning to it. The poem OzymandiasRead MoreThe King Case Of Rodney King1870 Words   |  8 Pagesmedia can play a role in court cases is the Rodney King case. 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