Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Health Systems And The Health System - 1656 Words

From my point of view, I believe that the health system is facing a hindrance in providing value to the patient. The inability to provide high quality, low cost health care is now a double edged sword in our industry. In a time where reimbursements are made on the patients perceived quality of their treatment, the organization can no longer afford to run the business off of the volume of patients seen. Moving forward, I believe that there are many changes that can be made, both internally and externally, throughout the health system to successfully implement patient centered care, which would enhance our value chain. Based on the following recommendations, I believe that the cost savings, or revenue generated, would impact the health system substantially. Currently we are receiving a 1% penalty on a section of outpatient physician practices. This proposal would allow for us to cease paying a 1% penalty, and also allow for us to receive possible incentive payments for striving to crea te a high quality at a low cost. To fulfill my proposal, the entire health system would need to be educated, and willing, to make changes in their daily routines. In a small community hospital where culture and politics often predict outcomes, this would have to be a task that bypassed these factors. The clinical staff will have will impact the most change, but all of the support staff will need to take action for the plan to be successful. Although initially the proposed action to increaseShow MoreRelatedHealth And Health Care System1336 Words   |  6 PagesGood health can be seen as important contribution of a high function thriving society. 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